So, like a chump I showed up at NETT completely unprepared; I also neglected to take pictures or notes. One list was with a familiar 'lock who I stuck onto a Borka list I liked hoping to see similar results with better flexability; another was a brand new 'lock who I had barely finished painting and had yet to play a game with.
Here were my lists:
Grim Angus
* Pyre Troll
* Troll Impaler
* Dire Troll Bomber
* Earthborn Dire Troll
Krielstone Bearer and 3 Stone Scribes
* Krielstone Stone Scribe Elder
Trollkin Champions (Leader and 4 Grunts)
* Skaldi Bonehammer
Fell Caller Hero
Janissa Stonetide
Trollkin Champion Hero
Hoarluk Doomshaper, Rage of Dhunia
* Pyre Troll
* Troll Axer
* Dire Troll Mauler
* Earthborn Dire Troll
* Mulg the Ancient
Krielstone Bearer and 3 Stone Scribes
* Krielstone Stone Scribe Elder
Trollkin Fennblades (Leader and 9 Grunts)
* Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer
My idea here was that Doomshaper was going to handle Gargossals, while Grim was more of an all comers based on an old Borka list I had a lot of fun with. Point in case, Grim is not Borka, and practice is an important thing.
Round 1
eDoomshaper vs. Darius
I got matched up against a Cygnar player. He played Darius with a Stormwall, Jr., a number of light ranged jacks, Rangers and another tarpit unit (Sword Knights maybe). In a lucky strike, he brought the Stormwall into the zone, and I knew I had to commit to taking it down in a single turn, else Darius would just undo my hard work.
When you absolutely, positively need to put something in the dirt, few things get the job done like Wild Aggression + Rage Mulg under eDoomy's feat. Charged for free, and after 2 initials and 5 bought attacks, the Fortification buffed Stormwall was sitting at 3 hit points. My opponent sighed in relief, but it was Mulg with eDoom, the free attack ended the Stormwall. I was pretty happy with the outcome, it took my feat, and I had offered Mulg up on a silver platter but I was now significantly ahead of my opponent in points on the board.
My opponent, for better or worse, was concerned with Mulg being within charge range of Darius so he opted to commit to making roadblocks for Mulg, rather than putting dents in him; which I imagine was probably the best idea, as his chances of chewing through 35 boxes at Arm 21 without the Stormwall was a problem for his list.
We went back and forth a bit, with Mulg wrecking some troops before the Earthborn got to Darius and left him on 1 health. Darius decided to try and make a run for eDoomshaper in an attempt to sneak out an assassination, but forgot Mulg had reach, and a Free Strike that would have been hard to miss (Mat 7 +2 +Wild Aggression) ended things handily.
My two teammates, playing Circle and Cygnar both won their games.
And then it went downhill...
Round 2
pGrim vs. Ossyan
In my defense, the team that we played here ended up taking second place.
My opponent decimated me. Between the Mage Hunter Assassins and just general craziness he made me look like exactly what I was, a chump who got lucky with his first match and trampolined up against other teams who went 3-0. I had an outside chance of assassination on my last turn as the Bomber launched two barrels at Ossyan, but needing 14s to hit on three dice didn't go my way.
Ossyan won on scenario.
My Circle teammate lost his game and our Cygnar player tied his.
Round 3
eDoomshaper vs. eCaine
eCaine, Stormblades, and... stuff? I want to forget this game, not because I lost, but because I was such an idiot. Remember that foreshadowing about practice is good and playing casters you have never played before can lead to issues? Yeah.
So the Stormwall came into the zone, and Mulg was looking to go for 2 for 2 on putting Colossals into the dirt; but he was going to need feat and the Axer animus to get there. Unfortunately, while I was remembering my previous Stormwall dirtnapping, I ran on autopilot. eDoom feated and put the Mauler animus on Mulg while the Axer charged off to Thresher some troops. Axer killed half a unit.
Mulg charges!... 10"... wait, didn't I need 13"? CRAP! I put the wrong Animus on him.
So Mulg makes his offering to the Stormwall gods, and none of my other beasts can capitalize on eDoom's feat turn.
A wasted feat turn and being now within striking distance of pretty much everything in his army was a bad thing. After one turn of pouring shots into my army it was looking very sparse. eDoomshaper had 3 health left. I tried to maneuver a bit, but eCaine is a little tough to hide from!
On his next turn he did exactly three damage to eDoomshaper after transfers and I didn't roll Tough. As I was walking away from the table I remembered a little something... eDoomshaper has Regeneration, which I didn't use.
Chalk one up to being an idiot.
My teammates both lost their games.
Final Round
Grim vs. Harbinger
This was probably my favorite game of the day, my opponent brought Harby, the full Errants package minus the Seneschal, the Book, Rhoven & Co., a Revenger, Repenter, and Reckoner along with a Vassal of Menoth, but no Choir.
We played a pretty good game of cat and mouse here, with what he had having trouble damaging the Champions reliably, but working as a wonderful tarpit to prevent me from getting to Harbinger who was dominating the zone. I did lost most of my Krielstone Bearer unit on her feat turn as, for whatever reason, I thought her feat cause Continuous Effect Fire, not a Fire damage roll.
My opponent won on control points, but it was hard fought and well won, it was an awesome game to end a great event on.
My teammates both lost their last games as well.
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